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(Yes (No 6) Are you a YALSA Committee or Taskforce Chair or Discussion or Interest Group Convener? (Yes (No 6a) If yes, of which committee, taskforce, discussion group or interest group are you chair/convener? _________________________________________ 6b) When will your term as chair end? _________________________________________ 7) What focus will your YALSA wiki section have? (Select one as the primary focus) ( Committee Work ( Youth Development ( Books/Teen Reading (Media ( Technology ( Programming (Youth Participation ( Professional Development ( Research ( Other (Please explain) 8) Write a short synopsis of the wiki section content you are proposing: 10) List the name and contact information for the one person who will be responsible for oversight and maintenance of the wiki section content. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit this completed form via email to the YALSA Web Site Advisory Committee  HYPERLINK "mailto:yalsa.wikis@gmail.com" yalsa.wikis@gmail.com. Your form will be reviewed by the Committee and a decision will be made by them in a timely manner. You will be notified via email of their decision. If you have any questions, please contact the YALSA Office at  HYPERLINK "mailto:yalsa@ala.org" yalsa@ala.org or 1.800.545.2433 x4390. . , 7 8 = >   ) * 9 : I J _ ` { | 45_`uvNOq!jhlhv(<CJOJQJUhlhl0JOJQJhlhlOJQJjhlhlOJQJUhlhv(<CJOJQJhv(<B*CJOJQJph jhv(<CJOJQJhv(<6CJOJQJ]hv(<CJOJQJ hv(<5CJ+-. , - m n   A B   9 : ^$a$   H I  &dPqrsںhlhv(<CJOJQJ%hlhv(<0JB*CJOJQJph!jhlhv(<CJOJQJU'jhlhv(<CJOJQJU(/ =!"#$%  DyK yalsa@ala.orgyK *mailto:yalsa@ala.orgD@D NormalCJOJQJaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k@(No List <B@< Body Text B*CJph6U@6 Hyperlink >*B*ph-.,-mnAB9:HI$s$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$t$$$$t$$t$$$$$$W -.,-mnAB9:HI0h00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000K0LAUI0I0I0I0q    4_uNrXX8@0(  B S  ?=#>,#9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity #',AEEHCQ3334v4vw:v(<Flk#p@#@@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z ArialA& Arial Narrow;Wingdings qhķFw&HSHS!24d>QHP?p2+Application for a Section on the YALSA Wiki Linda BraunALAOh+'0 1  $ D P \hpx,Application for a Section on the YALSA Wiki Linda Braun Normal.dotALA3Microsoft Office Word@F#@^#9@f`HSG/VT$mt    .@"Arial- M2 ,Application for a Section on the YALSA Wikis@9833888#3=32888883>?8?@W33 2   3 2 X 3@"Arial Narrow-2 WXeCommittee & Taskforce Chairs, Discussion & Interest Group Conveners and YALSA members are invited to 9,AB,,50,'',',8,,'9'','(,,5,,,'=+,,9+,',,,',+,45+54A,B,,',,,',,,2 Xfapply for space on the YALSA wiki. 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