YALSA Board Major Motions from 2005 Annual Conference


During the meetings of the YALSA Board at Annual Conference in Chicago, the YALSA Board:

  • Directed the YALSA President to work with RUSA to appoint a task force to develop YA reference guidelines.
  • Voted to adopt a Friends of YALSA Program, and also asked the YALSA staff to establish a group to assist in implementation and promotion of the program. Board members will be the first members asked to join the Friends of YALSA.
  • Approved the report of the Ad Hoc Communications Committee and accepted its recommendations that YALSA 1) proceed with the establishment of blogs, 2) form a task force of 3 to 5 members to review all aspects and methods, including discussion lists, of YALSA’s communications efforts with members, potential members and the general public and 3) proceed with the establishment of a Web Advisory Taskforce to evaluate YALSA’s web assets and develop a framework for a permanent committee to provide oversight to YALSA’s web content and methods of distribution.
  • Accepted the Booklist Ad Hoc Committee report and established a taskforce to further explore and/or implement the steps outlined in the report: the creation and dissemination of new booklists via downloadable monthly booklists, the publication of a book of Printz, Edwards &/or Alex Award winners (10 years, 100 titles), Quick Picks and/or Popular Paperbacks, as well as producing bookmarks and other promotional materials relating to the lists.
  • Accepted the Morris Task Force report as presented and agreed that the Task Force would continue to consider the ramifications of a YALSA member award as well as other related recommendations and present their report in time for the Fall Executive Committee meeting.
  • Voted to accept the report of the Organization and Bylaws Committee and its recommendations: the establishment of an Editorial Advisory Board consisting of six members including as many as two virtual members to participate in the process of publishing of
    YALS and
    YAttitudes; the revision of the Outstanding Books for the College Bound Committee charge and limiting the number of ACRL members that could serve at one time; the appointment of a Graphic Novel Selection Committee to annually produce an annotated list of recommended graphic novels; the revision of the Audiobooks Committee to a full-fledged selection committee, the term of which would begin after Midwinter and end after Midwinter.
  • Accepted changes to the YALSA Discussion List Policy, specifically adding language: >prohibiting defamatory and/or offensive material, including but not limited to hate-speech, name-calling and personal insults; retaining the right to use posted materials in other formats; disclaiming all warranties, guarantees, and liability for damages; and more clearly defining the term “solicitations.”
  • Approved the Regional Institute Task Force report as amended, adding two new members to the task force. This taskforce is responsible for putting on an institute and a video gaming night prior to Midwinter 2006 in San Antonio and for creating an online course that further extends the content covered at the institute.
  • Accepted the proposed fee structure for online courses of $135 for YALSA members for the equivalent of a one-day workshop, and gave the YALSA staff the authority to set non-member fees.
  • Agreed to place on the ballot a dues increase to $50 for regular members and $20 for student members. YALSA has not had a dues increase since 1994, and in that interim the association has greatly increased the number of members it serves as well as the number and type of services it provides. A dues increase will help the association meet the goals laid forth in its strategic plan.
  • Agreed to maintain the Edwards Award criteria as currently established.
  • Charged the Executive Director with the responsibility of continuing discussions with Upstart/Highsmith and to give her the authority to negotiate and set pricing for the use of the YALSA logo on products that may be co-developed with the company.
  • Accepted the list of proposed programs for the 2006 Annual Conference as amended and presented by the Program Clearinghouse Committee chair.
  • Approved the budget as presented by the YALSA Fiscal Officer.
  • Recommended a task force be established to plan a yearlong celebration of YALSA’s 50
    th anniversary, which is in 2007.
  • Approved resolutions for outgoing members of the Board.


Resolution For Audra Caplan

Whereas Audra Caplan is an exemplary advocate for teens and for YALSA, and is known throughout ALA, particularly YALSA, for her “no holds barred” approach to dealing with difficult issues, and

Whereas Audra Caplan, during YALSA Executive Committee meetings and conference calls, and during YALSA Board of Directors meetings, prevailed, aided by her ever-present stash of hard candy, and

Whereas, during Audra Caplan’s term as YALSA Vice President/President-Elect, she willingly “stepped up to the plate,” filling in for YALSA President Caryn Sipos at various events, meetings, etc., and

Whereas, at the beginning of Audra Caplan’s year as President, in June 2003, YALSA members and staff selected the division’s new, dynamic logo, and since that time are using it to brand all of YALSA’s print materials, and

Whereas, during Audra Caplan’s presidential year, YALSA broke the 4,000 mark in membership, developed a new Business Plan calling for the division to increase its revenue stream sufficiently enough to support operations without the assistance of the ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøsubsidy, and for the first time during Teen Read Week (the fifth annual), YALSA sponsored the Teens’ Top Ten, thus empowering teens by formally enabling them to vote nationally for their favorite books, and

Whereas, during Audra Caplan’s term as President, YALSA received a generous, unexpected bequest from William Morris, and a task force was appointed to examine how the yearly interest from these monies could fulfill Bill’s wish that it honor young adult literature, and

Whereas, during Audra Caplan’s presidential year, YALSA and the other youth divisions AASL and ALSC worked closely together in a tremendous spirit of collaboration, and this collaboration was visibly highlighted by together visiting a number of elected representatives and federal department representatives during Library Legislative Day in Washington, D.C. in May 2004, and jointly sponsoring a memorial service for William Morris at the 2004 Midwinter Meeting,

Therefore be it resolved that the YALSA Board of Directors express gratitude and appreciation, and heartily commend Audra Caplan for her dedication and loyalty to YALSA and ALA.

Resolution For C. Allen Nichols

Whereas C. Allen Nichols (what does that “C” stand for?) served as the first fiscal officer of YALSA; towered over the rest of the YALSA Board members, both in stature and sense of responsibility; proved an exemplary YALSA Board liaison to the Printz Award Committees as well as the Division and Membership Promotion Committee; and provided a boost to young adult literature when he served on the Best Books for Young Adults Committee;

Whereas C. Allen Nichols, while experiencing the infamous Dance of the Lamps in Miami during a YALSA Board meeting, remained unruffled and composed; fooled us all by using his computer to play solitaire during Board meetings when we thought he was busy crunching numbers, and still managed to compose thoughtful and well-worded YALSA Board motions;

Whereas C. Allen Nichols ensured that YALSA spending was curtailed unless absolutely necessary; spoke eloquently for YALSA at BARC meetings and in the larger arena of ALA; helped prepare YALSA’s Business Plan FY05-08, and is renowned for his ability to project energy and enthusiasm about financial matters, even at 8 am meetings;

Whereas C. Allen Nichols was known for mentoring others, listening to all sides of an issue, and having faith in young adults, YALSA members and the organization;

Whereas C. Allen Nichols proved over and over that he was a loving father and husband who enjoyed his family and missed them when he was attending ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøconferences;

Whereas, in his capacity as YALSA fiscal officer, C. Allen Nichols set a standard of excellence that will be difficult for other fiscal officers to meet or exceed; and whereas his help was invaluable in building YALSA’s new financial independence in ALA’s structure;

Wherefore be it resolved that the YALSA Board commend C. Allen Nichols for his service to the library profession and to YALSA during his tenure as first fiscal officer, and wish him continued success, but reminding him to stay loyal to us.

Resolution For Catherine Clancy

Whereas Catherine Clancy has served with care and responsibility as YALSA’s delegate to ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøCouncil for the past three years, while adding a thoughtful, productive presence to the YALSA Board and Executive Committee;

Whereas Catherine has always maintained a proper Bostonian manner in all her interactions with library issues and YALSA members;

Whereas, she has diligently served as liaison to several YALSA committees, including the Legislation and Publisher’s Liaison Committees;

Whereas, Catherine Clancy has always relayed Council discussions with one part wry and two parts efficiency and accuracy; and

Whereas, she has accomplished all these tasks with spirit and good humor;

Therefore be it resolved that the YALSA Board of Directors commend her work and express sincere gratitude for her service to YALSA and ALA.

Resolution For Linda Braun

Whereas Linda Braun, as a YALSA member, leader and one of the first SUS trainers, has demonstrated both the ability and energetic willingness to mentor new librarians, less experienced YALSA members, and her own library school students, and

Whereas Linda Braun has provided leadership for YALSA as an association, for many of its members, and for the youth we serve through online means, including its early Web site efforts, serving as chair of the YALSA committee that developed Teen Hoopla, the first ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøWeb directory addressing the needs of teens themselves, and current gaming and podcasting discussions, and

Whereas Linda Braun has been a consistent and alert liaison to the various YALSA committees assigned to her, coaching committee chairs, listening to committee members’ concerns about procedures, and relaying these concerns cogently to the Board as a whole, and

Whereas, Linda Braun has never been shy about asking her fellow Board members for clarification during formal deliberations, thus causing herself to blush but other Board members to celebrate her for bringing these questions out in the open, and

Whereas, Linda Braun’s personal devotion to concepts embraced by YALSA’s strategic plan are evident in her interest in and dedication to web design, content creation, and curriculum development projects intended to improve teen life and information access, and

Whereas, Linda Braun demonstrates the positive efficacy of professional networking by skillfully and personably bringing together colleagues from her various activities, and

Whereas, Linda Braun actively shares her knowledge and insights about teenagers and libraries with the thousands of readers of her professional books, including
The Browseable Classroom: An Introduction to E-Learning for Librarians (Neal Schuman, 2002),
Teens.Library (¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøEditions, 2002), and
Technically Involved (ALA, 2003) ,

Therefore be it resolved that the YALSA Board of Directors commend her work and express sincere gratitude for her service to YALSA, ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøand young adults.

Resolution For Kevin Scanlon

Whereas Kevin Scanlon has quietly and effectively served for three years on the YALSA Board while also working as a member of the Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults Committee, and

Whereas Kevin has been an important, contributing member of the Joint Task Force on School and Public Library Cooperation, taking the initiative to assist in making this task force a standing committee, and

Whereas, he has shown sparkling networking energy in bringing together program participants to offer conference attendees unique and substantive programs featuring special population services, and

Whereas, Kevin has served as an able Board liaison to the Outreach for Young Adults with Special Needs and the Popular Paperbacks committees in addition to the YA Urban Discussion Group, and

Whereas, he has accomplished all these tasks with humor, careful thought and decisiveness,

Therefore be it resolved that the YALSA Board of Directors commend his work and thank him for his service to YALSA and ALA.