2012 Midwinter Board Documents


Board I: Sat. 1:30 - 5:30 in the Convention Center, room C143

Board II: Sun. 4:00 - 5:30 in the Convention Center, room C143

Board III: Mon. 1:30 - 3:30 in the Convention Center, room C143

We’ll pause in the agenda to accommodate information exchanges with:

  • Candidate for ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøPresident-Elect, Barbara Stripling, Sat. at 3:50
  • Candidate for ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøPresident-Elect, Gina Millsap, Sun. at 4:10
  • ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøExecutive Board Representative, Steve Matthews, Sun. at 4:45

AGENDA* – 1/6/12

*Please note: times in parentheses are suggestions only

Call to Order

Information Forum

10 minutes are allotted at the beginning of each session for visitors and board members to share news or ask questions

Adoption of the Agenda

Mission Moment

(5 min.) -- Saturday

Item #1.Teen Read Week Grantee Report – Beth Yoke.................................................................. 1/2/12

  • Goal #1 Advocacy & Activism, Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Consent Items (5 min.) – Saturday

Item #2. Approval of Minutes from December 2011 phone meeting—Sarajo Wentling............ 12/10/11

  • Administrative task

Item #3.Slate for ’12 YALSA Election –Linda Braun .................................................................. 1/2/12

  • Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement, Goal #5 Capacity Building

Item #4.Executive Director’s Goals for FY 12 –Beth.................................................................... 1/2/12

  • All goals

Item #5.YALS Editor Midwinter Report – Megan Honig........................................................... 12/22/11

  • Goal #2 Research & Best Practice, Goal #3 Continuous Learning, Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #6.JRLYA Editor Midwinter Report – Sandra Hughes-Hassell.......................................... 12/8/11

  • Goal #1 Advocacy, Goal #2 Research & Best Practices, Goal #3 Continuous Learning, Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #7.The Hub Blog Manager Midwinter Report – Gretchen Kolderup................................ 12/19/11

  • Goal #3 Continuous Learning, Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #8.YALSAblog Manager Midwinter Report – mk Eagle.................................................. 12/20/11

  • Goal #2 Research & Best Practice, Goal #3 Continuous Learning, Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #9.Establishing the YALSA Academy – Eve Gaus & Linda Braun.................................. 12/14/11

  • Goal #2 Research & Best Practices, Goal #3 Continuous Learning

Item #10.Creating Curriculum Kits – Eve Gaus........................................................................... 12/30/11

  • Goal #2 Research & Best Practices, Goal #3 Continuous Learning

Item #11.Naming YALSA’s Student Conference Scholarship – Sarah........................................... 1/2/12

  • Goal #3 Continuous Learning, Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #12.Board Fellow Confirmation – Sarah.................................................................................. 1/2/12

  • Goal #3 Continuous Learning, Goal #4 Member Engagement, Goal #5 Capacity Building

Mega Issue Saturday

Item #13.Mega Issue Discussion (20 min) – Sarah Flowers............................................................. 1/5/12

  • How can YALSA connect with state library associations to strengthen advocacy efforts and impact?
    • Goal #1 Advocacy & Activism, Goal #5 Capacity Building

Action Items Saturday

Item #14.Pre-Meeting Division Councilor Report (5 min.) – Nick Buron.................................... 12/23/11

  • Administrative task

Item #15.Marketing Proposal (15 min.) –Beth Yoke........................................................................ 1/2/12

  • Goal #5 Capacity Building

Item #16.Use of Morris Funds (15 min.) – Penny Johnson & Beth.................................................. 1/3/12

  • Goal #5 Capacity Building

Item #17.Frequency of YA Lit Symposium (15 min.) – Nichole Gilbert & Beth........................ 10/28/11

  • Goal #2 Research & Best Practices, Goal #3 Continuing Education, Goal #4 Member Engagement, Goal #5 Capacity Building

Item #18. Advocacy Benchmarks Taskforce Establishment (10 min.)-- Sarah.................................. 1/2/12

  • Goal #1 Advocacy & Activism, Goal #2 Research & Best Practices

Item #19.Fabulous Films: Request for Board Action—Sarah Sogigan........................................ 12/22/11

  • Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #20.Proposed Use of 2012 FOY Funds – Letitia Smith & Linda........................................ 12/14/11

  • Goal #4 Member Engagement, Goal #5 Capacity Building

Item #21.Teen Space Guidelines Final Draft (10 min) – Katherine Trouern-Trend ........................ 1/4/12

  • Goal #1 Advocacy & Activism, Goal #3 Research & Best Practices

Discussion Items Saturday, Sunday and Monday

Item #22.Update from Executive Committee Meetings (10 min) – Sarah....................................... 1/3/12

  • Administrative task

Item #23.Environmental Scan: E-books (15 min.) – Gretchen Kolderup & Linda Braun............ 12/27/11

  • Goal #2 Research & Best Practices, Goal #3 Continuing Education

Item #24.FY12 Fiscal Year Update (15 min.) – Penny Johnson & Beth Yoke................................ 1/6/12

  • All goals

Item #25.FY13 Budget Priorities (15 min.) – Penny & Beth........................................................... 1/5/12

  • All goals

Item #26.Action Plan Review (15 min.) – Sarah.............................................................................. 1/6/12

  • All goals

Item #27.Piloting a Virtual Selection Committee (15 min.)—Jack Martin................................... 12/19/11

  • Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #28.Odyssey Manual Taskforce Report (10 min) –Mary Burkey............................................. 1/6/12

  • Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #29.Awards & Selected List Evaluation Taskforce Final Report (15 min)—P. Holley....... 12/19/11

  • Goal #2 Research & Best Practices, Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #30.DG/IG Evaluation Taskforce Preliminary Report (15 min) Stephanie Reynolds.......... 12/23/11

  • Goal #4 Member Recruitment and Engagement

Item #31.Draft Committee Social Media Policy (15 min.)—Jamie Watson..................................... 1/2/12

  • Goal #4 Member Recruitment and Engagement, Goal #5 Capacity Building

Item #32.Engaging & Supporting School Library Members (15 min.) Priscille Dando................ 12/22/11

  • Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #33.Proposed State Library Grant (15 min.) Grace Greene & Sharon Rawlins................... 12/12/11

  • Goal #1 Advocacy, Goal #2 Research & Best Practices, Goal #3 Continuous Learning

Item #34.STEM Resources Taskforce Update (15 min.) – Amber Creger................................... 12/22/11

  • Goal #2 Research & Best Practices, Goal #3 Continuing Education

Item #35.Board Role in Fundraising & Planned Giving (15 min.) – Sarah & Penny....................... 1/2/12

  • Goal #5 Capacity Building

Item #36.Facilitating & Promoting Innovation (15 min.) Jack & Beth............................................. 1/4/12

  • Goal #4 Member Engagement, Goal #5 Capacity Building

Item #37.Junior Board Concept (15 min.)—Christopher Shoemaker & Linda Braun.................. 12/18/11

  • Goal #1 Advocacy, Goal #4 Member Engagement, Goal #5 Capacity Building

Informational Items – N/A

Item #38.Guidelines for Board Meetings......................................................................................... 1/4/12

  • Administrative task

Item #39.Board Responsibilities for Annual 12 & Midwinter 13..................................................... 1/5/12

  • Administrative Task

Item #40.FY ’11 Final Close Figures – Penny & Beth..................................................................... 1/5/12

  • All goals

Item #41.2013 Nominating Committee Rosters............................................................................... 1/5/12

  • Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement, Goal #5 Capacity Building

Item #42.ALSC/YALSA Partnering Discussion – Sarah................................................................. 1/5/12

  • Goal #4 Member Engagement

Item #43.2011 Friends of YALSA donors....................................................................................... 1/4/12

  • Goal #1 Advocacy; Goal #3 Capacity Building

Item #44.Report on Teen Spaces Project—Anthony Bernier....................................................... 12/22/11

  • Goal # 2 Research & Best Practice

Item #45.Communications Report – Stephanie Kuenn..................................................................... 1/3/12

  • Goal #5 Capacity Building

Item #46.Continuing Education Report – Eve Gaus........................................................................ 1/3/12

  • Goal #4 Continuous Learning

Item #47.Events & Conferences Report – Nichole Gilbert.......................................................... 12/30/11

  • Goal #3 Continuous Learning; Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement

Item #48.Membership Report – Letitia Smith.................................................................................. 1/5/12

  • Goal #4 Member Recruitment & Engagement, Goal #5 Capacity Building

Executive Session -- Monday

Item #49.Executive Session (15 min.)– Sarah................................................................................... 1/4/12

  • Administrative Task

New Business -- Monday

Item #50.Memorial Resolution for Dorothy Broderick (5 min.) –Nick............................................ 1/4/12

  • Administrative Task

Item #51.YALSA Councilor Midwinter Activities Update (5 min.) - Nick..................................... 1/4/12

  • Administrative Task

Adjournment -- Monday