2005 Midwinter Meeting



  1. Agenda Midwinter 2005 (PDF)
  2. Gudelines for Board Meetings
  3. Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting at Annual 2004 (PDF)
  4. Skeleton Schedule, Midwinter 2005 (PDF)
  5. Skeleton Schedule, Annual 2005 Cover (PDF) &
    Annual Conference Skeleton Schedule (PDF)
  6. Slate for 2005 Election (PDF)
  7. 2006 Nominating Committee Roster (PDF) &
    YALSA Nominating (PDF)
  8. Executive Director’s Goals (PDF)
  9. Teen Read Week 2004 (PDF)
  10. Teen Read Week 2005 (PDF)
  11. Great Books Giveaway IX (PDF)
  12. ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøWebsite Style Guidelines (PDF)
  13. Online Community Software (PDF)
  14. ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍødues (PDF) &
    Dues Discussion (PDF)
  15. Business Plan Progress Report (PDF)
  16. Regional Institute Task Force Report (PDF)
  17. Executive Board Update (PDF)
  18. Organization and Bylaws Committee Report (PDF)
  19. Graphic Novel Task Force Report (PDF)
  20. Pre-Conference Committee Reports (PDF)
  21. Resources & Support for Committee Chairs (PDF)
  22. Adoption of Strategic Plan (PDF)
  23. Proposal to Consider Regional Delegates (PDF)
  24. Proposal to Establish Reference Guidelines for Serving YAs (PDF)
  25. Booklists (PDF)
  26. Proposal to Create Gaming List (PDF)
  27. BBYA: Audio vs. Print (PDF)
  28. Website & Discussion Lists (PDF)
  29. YALSA Council Report (PDF)
  30. Fiscal Officer Report (PDF)
  31. Teen Read Week Sponsorships (PDF)
  32. Membership Retention & Recruitment (PDF)
  33. YALSA Publications Program (PDF)
  34. Amelia Walden Monies (PDF)
    1. Marketing Plan (PDF)

2005 Annual Conference


  1. Agenda Annual 2005 (PDF)
  2. Guidelines (PDF)
  3. Minutes Mid Winter 2005 (PDF)
  4. Skeleton Schedules &
    Skeleton Schedules Attachments (PDF)
  5. YALSA Election Results (PDF)
  6. President Report (PDF)
  7. SUS Report Annual 2005 (PDF)
  8. ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍø2010 (PDF)
  9. Campaign For America's Libraries (PDF)
  10. Online Communities Annual 2005 (PDF)
  11. Long Term Investments (PDF)
  12. Reference Guidelines (PDF)
  13. Friends Of YALSA Annual 2005 (PDF)
  14. Chair Reports (PDF)
  15. Communications Report (PDF)
  16. Outstanding Achievement Award Report (PDF)
  17. Booklists Report (PDF)
  18. Morris Taskforce Report (PDF)
  19. ¹ú²úÊÓƵÍøExecutive Board (PDF)
  20. O&B Report (PDF)
  21. Committee Review (PDF)
  22. Discussion List Policy Annual 2005 (PDF)
  23. Regional Institute (PDF)
  24. Online Courses Annual 2005 (PDF)
  25. Revised Dues Annual 2005 (PDF)
  26. Serving YA Surban Areas (PDF)
  27. Books In Print (PDF)
  28. Developing YALSA Products (PDF)
  29. Program Clearing House (PDF)
  30. Fiscal Report (PDF)
  31. Budget FY 2006 (PDF)
  32. Council Report (PDF)
  33. Resolutions(PDF)